Friday, September 2, 2016

Thai Street Food Pork Omelet Recipe (Kai Jeow Moo Sab ไข่เจียวหมูสับ)

Thai Street Food Pork Omelet Recipe (Kai Jeow Moo Sab ไข่เจียวหมูสับ)

2 egg
2 tablespoons minced pork (or minced chicken)
¾ teaspoon soy sauce
About ½ cup of oil for frying
Tomato sauce (optional)
Fresh steamed rice

  1. The first thing I like to do is put my small sauce pan (about 6 inches in diameter) on the stove, turn it to a medium high heat, and add about ½ cup of vegetable frying oil to it. Then while your oil is heating up, you can quickly prepare you eggs, which will only take about 1 minute.
  2. Take your 2 eggs and crack them into a mixing bowl.
  3. Add about 2 tablespoons (I just guesstimated 1 heaping tablespoon) of minced pork or minced chicken to the egg.
  4. Add ¾ of a teaspoon of light soy sauce to your egg and pork.
  5. Break the yolks and start to really whisk and beat up the egg, using deep circular motions. The aim is to get your egg really beat up and start to see some bubbles - that way when you fry it, it puffs up and is nice and fluffy.
  6. When your oil has heated, walk over to your pan, while still beating your egg up until the last moment, and pour in your egg mixture directly into the center of the oil. If your oil is at the perfect temperature, it should bubble up all puffy.
  7. It should take about only about 30 seconds or so, depending on how hot your oil is (and you can be checking on it with your spatula), before it’s time to flip over your Thai omelet.
  8. After you flip over your omelet, cook it again for about 30 seconds or so, pressing it down with your spatula to confirm that it’s cooked all the way through.
  9. When the omelet is golden yellow on both sides, and there’s no runny egg in the middle, it’s ready. First drain all that excess oil off the egg.
  10. Hopefully you have some fresh hot rice already cooked. Get a plate of rice, and gently lay your beautiful Thai omelet over the rice in a blanket of comfort food.

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